Tuesday, 17 December 2019

To send stool sample from Germany to abroad, I used UPS:
You have to provide a commercial invoice with a minimum value regardless of the fact that stool sample is worthless. I put 10 EUROS and made my own commercial invoice from the UPS template I found online. If you do not provide the invoice, your envelop will be returned to you. If you forgot to attach an invoice, drive to the centre yourself and provide it instead of wasting your time on their useless online/telephone customer service.
Choose a week where there no holidays neither in the origin nor the destination or in-between stations! Once my package delayed in Dubai a full week due to holiday there, which was just a hub on the route!

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Mac Preview Error Saving PDF "Error while printing"

Solution: (Thanks to GeekyGirl007 comment bellow)
"The solution is to go into your Settings -> Printers and Scanners -> right click anywhere in the left hand box that lists your printers and a pop up will come on "reset printing system", click this. It will erase all your printers and scanners, but it solves the issue completely. You can then reinstall all your printers/scanners as needed. Hope this helps someone!"

The Article:
I upgaraded to Catalina macOS. Now when I try to save a document as pdf from Preview, I get an error: "Error while printing" as shown bellow

I found out that the error happens only with Preview. After troubleshooting, I found out that the error occurs only if the selected printer is not online! Although you are merely saving a pdf, still the real printer should be online. If it has the lightning symbol (see bellow), then you get the error. I am keeping my default printer always online now. Hope apple fixes the issue.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Vodavone Deutschland Mailbox deaktivierung:
einfach tippen Sie ##004# an

Saturday, 31 August 2019

اسقاط الجنسية العراقية للتجنس بالالمانية بالطلب

يتطلب الحصول على الجنسية الالمانية بالتجنس (موضوع الولادة يختلف) مبدئيا التنازل عن الجنسيات الحالية كافة ما لم تكن اوروبية او سويسرية او هناك اتفاقية للاحتفاظ بين الدولتين. غير ان بعض الدول مثل ايران او المغرب ترفض اسقاط الجنسية مما دفع المشرع الالماني لوضع هذه الدول في قائمة استثنائية و اعفاء مواطنيها من الاسقاط
القائمة هنا:


Algerien, Eritrea, Iran, Kuba, Libanon, Marokko, Syrien und Tunesien 
لمواطني الدول الاخرى تقديم طلب احتفاظ مع طلب التجنس اذا كان مبررا كأن يخسر املاكه اذا تنازل عن جنسيته الاصلية.
اما العراق, فينص القانون العراقي على عدم امكانية التنازل مالم يقدم الشخص اثبات امتلاكه لجنسية اخرى. مما حدا بالولايات الالمانية الى اتخاذ اجراءات مختلفة: بعضها توقفت عن الطلب الاسقاط من العراقيين وبعضها يسمح له  بالتجنس بالالمانية اولا و الاحتفاظ بالعراقية مؤقتا معها ثم يتم ارسال طلب التنازل عن العراقية في غضون شهرين للشخص و الا تسحب الالمانية حسب القانون.
يذهب بعدها الشخص الى السفارة او القنصلية و التي تضطر لقبول الطلب (لان العراقي اصبح يحمل جنسية اخرى). لكن المعاملة تستغرق اكثر من سنتين غالبا, و لان القانون الالماني يجيز الاحتفاظ بالجنسية اذا كان التنازل يتجاوز سنتين, فحينها يمكن سحب طلب الاسقاط.
اثناء السنتين تحتفظ السفارة بالمستمسكات الاصل, و كل ستة اشهر قد ترسل بعض المدن استفسار عن المعاملة للشخص فتزوده السفارة بورقة تفيد ان المعاملة قيد الانجاز. بعد سنتين يمكن مراجعة السلطات الالمانية لطلب كتاب ازدواجية\احتفاظ يؤخذ للسفارة العراقية لاستعادة المستمسكات.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Why 500 euro Notes Are Out of Circulation

If you ever have visited Europe, you will be frowned upon if you try to pay with a 500 euro notes. In fact many shops, supermarkets refuse to take them since a long time. It is a stigma to use them and it is thought that they are used by criminals. While the notes are absolute legal and favorate mean of cash by tourists (light and practical to hide), in EU people are free to refuse whatever notes they dislike apparently (this should not be the case and should be prohibited by law, but read further to know why it is being encouraged).
Now I would accept that justification if it were only the 500 notes. But, suddenly, the 200 euro notes are being stigmatized and refused by many stores as well. Worse, in some EU countries, it is not allowed to use cash (regardless of the bank note size) at all for purchases more than say 5000 EUR. They are limiting cash use.

Recently, starting 2019 precisely, the 500 notes wont be used any more and will be taken out from circulation gradually. I bet 200 notes will face the same fate soon.

I guess you have started to know the ultimate goal of EU and governments around the world: abolishing cash and switching to digital payments/transactions (credit cards, wire transfers...)
By stigmatizing bank notes, they actually aim to remove cash. Why?
If your bank pays you no interest rate or worse imposes fees for services and accounts (negative interest rate), then you can take your money in cash (that is what the majority has done) and keep it safe somewhere. If there is no cash anymore, you have no other risk free choice (of course you can invest in stocks... and take the risk). By eliminating cash money, people are forced to use banks services even if they end up getting zero or negative interest rates.

"Cash is king, awaiting its inevitable checkmate"